Marine Biology

Laying of the foundation stone for the Laboratory of Biology at the Inhaca Marine Biology Station

The construction of the new Biology Laboratory of the Inhaca Marine Biology Station of the Eduardo Mondlane University has begun, with a public ceremony held on September 31, 2023 in the presence of the Administrator of the Kanyaka Municipal District, H.E. Roberto Maximiano Chitsonzo, the Directors of the Faculty of Science and the Biotechnology Center, the construction company representatives and the local authorities. After the traditional ceremony in honor of the spirits of the ancestors, the first stone was laid on the site where the new construction will be built, which will include an external section for washing and preparing samples, a dry laboratory and a wet laboratory under controlled environmental conditions, where it will also be possible to make observations of marine organisms in vivo. The Laboratory, which will be completed at the end of February 2024, will be a fundamental research platform for studies of ecology and marine biology on the island, open to all interested international researchers.