Support for environmental research AID 12089

1st Cycle of Masters in Biotechnology

biodiversity and promote public health.

Master in Biotechnology

Master in Biotechnology

The BioForMoz project (Support for Environmental Research) AID 12089 is funded by the Italian Development Cooperation Agency (AICS) and entrusted to the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Sassari, to collaborate with the Biotechnology Center of the E. Mondlane University of Maputo in Mozambique.
BioForMoz started on July 1, 2021, and focuses on biodiversity conservation, One Health dynamics, and environmental pollution. The project applies molecular biology and immunology techniques to genetically characterize populations (microbiology, plants, animals, and humans) and diagnose diseases.
Our vision and mission include the development of high-level training programs for masters and PhD students. The collaboration between the Mozambican and Italian staff is a strong point of BioForMoz, facilitated by joint committees. Additionally, the project benefits from scientific excellence through a vast network of Italian institutions and the involvement of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy.
One more strong point is the excellent network of lab facilities including molecular genetics labs at the Center of Biotechnology and at Museum of Natural History.
Help us defend Mozambican biodiversity and promote public health.
General Objectives
- Support the plans to fight poverty through the results of advanced research in the area of biosciences for the sustainable use of natural resources;
- Strengthen government initiatives on the control of endemic, genetic and transmissible, zoonotic diseases circulating between the human and animal populations.
- Contribute to empowering public institutions, first and foremost the UEM, to carry out quality controls on food, water and the environment, in the public and private sphere, bringing them to international standards.

Launch of the first animal biodiversity biobank in Mozambique

UEM organizes water quality workshop in Mozambique

Two researchers from the CNR Water Research Institute of Italy came on a mission to Maputo

Laying of the foundation stone for the Laboratory of Biology at the Inhaca Marine Biology Station
The construction of the new Biology Laboratory of the Inhaca Marine Biology Station of the Eduardo Mondlane University has begun, with a public ceremony held on September 31…

Zoology research at Natural History Museum
Dr. Simone Sabatelli, zoologist from the Sapienza University of Rome, will carry out a 20-day mission starting from 11 September at the Natural History Museum…
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